Terms & Conditions
Henry Maynard Primary School & Nursery
Extended Schools Terms and Conditions
The aim of Henry Maynard Primary School’s Extended Provision is to provide affordable, safe and stimulating before and after school care for our children that reflect our values of Community, Creativity and Ambition.
All of our Extended Provision activities take place at Henry Maynard Primary School, abide by the Children’s Act and work in accordance with the procedures and practices of the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
1.0 Booking & Fees
1.1 Registration and booking for Henry Maynard Extended Provision clubs is through our ClassForKids portal at henrymaynardprimary.class4kids.co.uk/login . A booking is a commitment to that club for 1 term. Payment is required at the time of booking.
1.2 If you pay by Tax Free scheme or childcare vouchers, a voucher code will be given to you in advance in order to enable you to secure your booking. The total balance of payment for all of the clubs should be made within 10 days of booking. Failure to do so may lead to your places being lost. Details of your payment, including date paid, amount paid and any reference number should be emailed to finance@henrymaynard.waltham.sch.uk
1.3 Henry Maynard Primary School makes a financial commitment to school staff, external club providers and coaches to secure the provision of clubs for a term. As such, we cannot offer refunds. In some circumstances, where space is available, we may be able to swap your child to another clubs or offer a voucher for future clubs. If your child is excluded due to poor behaviour you will not receive a refund.
1.4 Payment Plan - Families on low incomes, who are having financial difficulties or whose situation has changed are encouraged to come and speak to the school or to send an email to finance@henrymaynard.waltham.sch.uk . The school reserves the right to decline any request for special payment arrangements.
1.5 Failure to comply with these payment terms may result in your child losing the place and being unable to book future places.
1.6 The Headteacher reserves the right to deny or refuse access to Henry Maynard Primary School Extended Services and Clubs.
2.0 Absences and non-attendance
2.1 Please notify the school office if your child will not be attending a session on to which they are booked.
2.2 If your child experiences a long-term sickness, places and fees will be discussed and accommodations will be at the discretion of the Head Teacher.
3.0 Late collection
3.1 In the event of a child not being collected at the end of a session, every effort will be made to contact the parent/carer and emergency contacts. If it is not possible to make contact with a responsible adult, a member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team will take appropriate actions, in line with school procedure, in the best interest of the child. This may include contacting the local Social Services Office for advice.
4.0 Late charges
4.1 Late between 5 and 15 minutes £10.00
4.2 Late between 15 and 30 minutes £20.00
4.3 Later than 30 minutes £25.00
5.0 Cancellation of Breakfast and Twilght places
5.1 If you wish to cancel your child’s place at Breakfast Club and Twilight Afterschool Club we require 4 weeks’ notice.
6.0 Snacks
6.1 Henry Maynard Primary School operates a healthy eating policy. The Extended School Club staff will provide your child with a piece of fruit for all clubs up to 5pm. For the Twilight Afterschool Club will have access to a range of healthy snacks at each session. All snacks will follow Waltham Forest’s guidelines on healthy eating.
6.2 We ask that you do not provide your child with their own snacks.
6.3 It is important that you inform us if your child has any food allergies and/or specific dietary needs. Please notify us of any changes.
7.0 Health and Safety
7.1 There are qualified First Aiders on site at all times.
7.2 By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you give permission for your child to be given emergency First Aid or emergency medical treatment and/or taken to the nearest hospital in your absence.
8.0 Behaviour
8.1 Children and staff are expected to demonstrate good behaviour at all times during Extended School Provision, in-line with the school’s behaviour policy.
8.2 Where a child consistently demonstrates unacceptable behaviour, the parents and relevant staff will be involved in discussing the most appropriate response or action. The school reserves the right to withdraw a child completely from Extended School Clubs.
9.0 Special Education Needs
9.1 Henry Maynard Primary School Extended Provision aims to provide a stimulating environment for all children attending clubs. We aim to provide a variety of equipment and activities that do not cause discrimination to any child with or without special needs. We aim to provide an inclusive, equal opportunity, supportive environment for all children.
10.0 Complaints procedure
10.1 If for any reason you are not happy with the service provided at the Extended School Provision, please speak with someone or send an email to the Extended School Lead at clubs@henrymaynard.waltham.sch.uk . All complaints will be dealt with sensitively and appropriately in line with the school’s Complaints procedure.